We Believe, A Poem by Typewriter Rodeo

Guest blog post poem by Sean (and the rest of the Rodeo crew) Typewriter Rodeo creates custom, on-the-spot poems for event guests, using vintage typewriters. Their work results in laughter, high-fives, even hugs. And they’ll be at the Mission Capital Conference networking reception on Thursday, September 8.


There are the naysayers
  (Oh, there are countless of those)

The ones who say nah
  You can’t do or fix
Why even try?
Why even waste

But oh
  This is the opposite of time wasting
    Because you can sit back
  Let life slip-slide by
  Let it swirl into a tangle of other people’s problems
    While you

    You can rise up
    Look at life head on
  Look its knotted problems square in the eye
    And say

We believe  
Things CAN get better
  Every tangle CAN be unfurled
    And the only waste of time
      Is sitting on the sidelines
        And saying nay

Because we will always say yes
  Always believe
  And never
      Give up.


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