Reduce Your Data Anxiety by Sharing the Load

When you glance over at the stack of surveys on your desk collecting dust, do you feel a little overwhelmed, or even panicked? Do you find yourself uncharacteristically procrastinating when thinking about scheduling that overdue meeting with your program evaluator? Do you feel a little queasy when you open a spreadsheet full of program tracking numbers? You may have data anxiety!

All silliness aside, data is one of those things that can be particularly overwhelming, but it's a vital part of our nonprofit work today. Data, however, doesn’t have to be so scary! There are a few things you can incorporate in your approach to data to lighten the load. If you're looking for ways to reduce your anxiety around data, don’t carry the burden alone. Spread the love by turning your data work into a team sport, maybe even a party, and build alignment in your organization at the same time.

In honor of Good Measure and the 2018 Data Institute, we’re sharing some resources that we hope will help you bring your team together to collaborate around data, and reduce your burden carrying the data work alone. Looking for ways to analyze your data together as a team? Check out these collaborative, group-based data analysis activities:

Need some quick-hitting tips for data work to keep you on the right path? Check out these microblogs:

Looking for ways to bring your customers into the data work process? Bringing in customer voice, especially earlier in the process, helps keep the focus on the people we serve. Check out these lesser-known approaches to research and evaluation:

Need some inspiration to help re-energize and remind you of all the opportunities that good data work can bring? Check out these inspiring reads:

We hope these resources offer fresh insight to invigorate your data-driven work!

For additional resources, check out Good Measure's website and learn how grantees are making a bigger difference in the lives of more people through creative solutions and dedication to using data to improve outcomes.


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