Issues Our Sector Should Prepare for in 2022

The past two years have brought us plenty of challenges as a sector. We are all weighed down by a pandemic and the traumas, inequitably distributed, it has imposed, exposed, and retriggered. The marathon that we are all running is not over, and we must continue to rally together, to lift each other up and support one another in this trying time. 

While our anticipation for 2022 is a hopeful one, our work in the social sector is needed now, just as deeply as ever before. There are several urgent issues on the horizon that we need to be mindful of and build our knowledge and capacity on, and we are highlighting two below.  

3G Network Shutdown 

Does your team know that the 3G Wireless Network is going to shut down in 2022? Reports suggest some carriers are shutting their 3G systems down as early as January. This could have a huge impact on services provided by the nonprofit sector. The 3G system has been around for almost two decades, and older technology, such as cell phones, ankle monitors, and life alert devices may no longer work. This could have an even greater impact in rural areas where folks depend heavily on the older cell networks.  

To learn more about how this shutdown could impact you and your organization’s services we’re sharing a few articles below. We also recommend joining the Digital Empowerment Community of Austin’s bi-monthly meetings.  

Inclement Weather 

As we enter the winter season many organizations are preparing for extremely cold temperatures again. Unfortunately, ERCOT preparations for extreme weather have not proceeded. We all know how devastating the 2021 winter storms were, and how they affected our services and the safety of the lives of ourselves, our colleagues, and those we serve.  

To help begin your planning for winter weather here are a few resources to share with your staff, leadership team, and board: 

And More 

Of course, these are just a few of the immediate issues that Central Texas nonprofits may face in the coming months. There are several other critical issues that we are facing and are a growing challenge for our sector, including the supply chain issues, staff shortages and turnover, and new COVID variants. 

We believe that we are stronger together, and learn how to solve problems in community. If you need connections to others who may be working to tackle these challenges, or to learn from each other, please reach out to If we do not have the answers ourselves, we will work to connect you to others who might be asking the same questions and who know more. We remain committed to our work that cultivates community, fosters resiliency in organizations, and maximizes ecosystem collaborations so that we may all rise together in the new year. 

Do you have insight, resources, or news that’s important for the nonprofit sector? Email us at and we will include them in our Member Updates.  


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