What Happened at the CapMetro Lunch & Grow?

On Monday, September 14 Jo Anne Ortiz, Community Engagement Coordinator at Capital Metro, hosted a Lunch and Grow with nonprofit members about the different ways CapMetro can work with and support the nonprofit community.

The event started with an overview of Project Connect, an initiative that will be on the ballot this November, to ensure clarity on the proposed plans. While CapMetro does not endorse either way, they are available to answer questions about the changes that will be made if the ballot is approved. Check out more about Project Connect. Also, the following two videos provide a comprehensive overview:

Next, Jo Anne led the group through a presentation on Metro Cares and other partnerships CapMetro supported during the early stages of the pandemic. You can view the full slide show here. One of the primary takeaways for the audience is that Cap Metro is able to serve as a resource and creative partner to support your organization’s marketing, transportation/connectivity, or sustainability goals.

“When I joined Cap Metro almost a year ago, I was so excited to find out just how much we do with the community. But I was most honored to be asked if I would assist directly with the Metro Cares program and non-profits. With this opportunity, I’m able to collaborate and bolster the good work happening in Austin.” -Jo Anne Ortiz

The event ended with breakout sessions where nonprofits brainstormed different ideas and possible opportunities they could partner with Cap Metro. If you are interested in finding ways for branding your own organization check out their online support: https://www.capmetro.org/advertise/#. Or, connect with Jo Anne directly to discuss other collaborations or questions at JoAnne.Ortiz@capmetro.org!


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