Member Moment: Introducing Affinity Meet-Ups

As we evaluate our member programming and learning opportunities to prepare for strategic planning, Mission Capital is convening a series of affinity meet-ups – cohorts of leaders in similar job roles gathering to discuss their most pressing challenges. Below are a few highlights from our most recent Affinity Meet-Up for Development Directors.

Join us next time for our Human Resources and Manager meet-up. Development Directors wear many hats within their organizations – overseeing major gifts, monthly or individual donations, grant proposals and reporting, and planning and executing signature organization events. Development Directors are also key players in ensuring the financial sustainability of their nonprofit, making their success crucial to the success of the organization’s mission.

Central Texas Philanthropy

In Central Texas, we have a number of reasons to celebrate the philanthropy efforts of our community’s nonprofits. Affinity Meet-Up attendees shared that event engagement and sustainability, personalized relationships with donors, and staff and volunteer enthusiasm are all key factors in their philanthropic success. We also learned that our community's development directors aren't afraid to try new approaches when necessary.

When Street Youth Ministry’s partner organization planned to close their drop-in location, Founder and Executive Director Terry Cole launched a “Breakeven Campaign” to expand their budget and ensure critical support services were sustained. Using a “website takeover” strategy, special donor seeds and direct mailers to new potential donors, they brought in an additional $50,000 of donations in one year.

Challenges in Development

Attendees also discussed challenges facing their nonprofits, and what learning opportunities they’d like Mission Capital to offer, including data management best practices, technology to support donor stewardship best practices, and the value of marketing in fundraising. Other potential programs suggested include more meet-ups for development leaders with a focus on brainstorming opportunities, fundraising or grant best practices workshops and education on the trends and shifts we see in the Austin market.

Mission Capital will continue these listening sessions as we evaluate our programming for 2018, and beyond. If you have a question or need you’d like to share, contact Chelsea Hartness, Mission Capital Membership Manager, and be sure to join us next time!


Dear Emerging Leader


Dating and Development Have a lot in Common