How to Approach Strategic Planning like a Nonprofit Consultant
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(1) Taking Stock
- How should your strategic business plan take into account your current reality? Make sure you’re doing intentional data collection from key internal and external stakeholders.
(2) Mission and Vision Alignment
- Should mission and vision change to reflect new reality, current stage of development? Review your mission and vision, and determine if these pivotal statements are in need of an update.
(3) Setting Goals
- Set high-level goals (consider using the common SMART criteria) and achieve consensus on these goals from your full board of directors to the plan direction.
(4) Strategies and Tactics
- Gather the staff input needed to achieve the goals you’ve outlined. Write the plan itself, considering the audiences you’ll want to see the final product as you write to determine length and level of detail needed.
(5) Plan implementation
- How you will achieve the goals you’ve set in your strategic business plan and make sure it is a living document? Consider how this plan will be communicated to staff, board and key external stakeholders. Develop staff work plans and create a clear approach for monitoring your plan’s progress.
Done right, strategic business planning is a chance to reflect on impact, outcomes, business model, and long-term sustainability. It should also build the will of key actors to implement the plan together.Ready to dive in to your own process? Join us on for the upcoming Strategic Business Planning Intensive designed to help staff and board leadership teams identify key questions and map the strategic planning process that best meets their unique organizational needs.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]