What Happened at the CapMetro Lunch & Grow?
Jo Anne Ortiz from CapMetro, talked to our members about the different ways in which they can work with and support the nonprofit community.
Digital Equity and Nonprofit Needs in Central Texas
We co-hosted an event with DECA. Our goal was to offer connection and gain insights on digital equity in our sector.
COVID-19 Finances: Getting Your Nonprofit Back on its Feet
COVID-19 has made finances difficult for nonprofits. Our friends at Jitasa share effective strategies to get your organization back on its feet.
Using Data to Understand Community Challenges
We hosted a virtual data jam session to understand needs and challenges in four key topic areas: youth/education, food, health, and housing.
Membership 2020: Connection and Support for All
We made changes to our packages for 2020 that will make it easier for all organizations to make the connections and get the support that they need.
Leaning Into our Role: Collaboration and Insights Work
We are navigating the insights we've gathered since COVID-19 hit our nonprofit community and leaning into our connector role to address inequities.
Centering Equity and HR in COVID-19
As we find new ways to interact and care for each other during COVID-19, our Chief of Staff reminds us to keep equity at the center of HR practices.
Capacity Building in COVID-19
As a capacity builder, Mission Capital has spent the last weeks equipping and connecting the Central Texas nonprofit sector to weather COVID-19.
3+3+3 = How to Get People Excited About Your Nonprofit
Most of us are usually ready with the good ‘ol “elevator pitch”, but how do we make people excited to learn more about our organization?
Working on Internal Equity Together
MC members joined us for an evening of internal equity work discussion, which included a panel of their peers and tons of valuable resources.
Transform Your Journey with our Leadership Academies
No matter where you are in your professional journey, our Leadership Academies to help you get where you want to be this 2020.
The What, Who and Why of Membership Events
Our membership manager takes a deep-dive into Mission Capital's three member-exclusive learning and networking opportunities.
Workplace Feedback: Create a Culture of ASK
Giving and receiving feedback can be hard. Robin Llewellyn, L&L Manager, shares how to approach this subject to create a culture of ASK.
I-AMM: Building a New American Community
We are spotlighting the great work that MC's member I-AMM is doing to offer a voice and a platform for the Arab, Muslim & Middle Eastern community.
Dear SVPs... Thank You!
Mission Capital's CEO, Madge Vásquez, recaps the learning opportunities and strategic collaborations that we accomplished thanks to our SVPs.
We Are Grateful For 2019
In the spirit of the holiday season, our staff reflects on experiences that make them grateful to be a part of our awesome team.
E3 Alliance: Building Culture to Support Employees
Learn how MC's Engage, Retain and Rally Your Staff guided E3 Alliance's process to create lasting changes in their growing organization.
Lessons Learned from Building Collaboration
Our Aligned Impact Team has spent time dissecting the challenges of "coblaberation" to turn it into impactful collaboration.
Are You Thinking About Succession?
Unlike a certain TV show may have you believe, succession planning does not have to be the dysfunctional fight to the death that the Roys make it out to be.
Our Path Towards Equity
CEO, Madge Vásquez, shares an update of Mission Capital's "bumpy" journey towards equity, where we currently stand, and the road that lies ahead.