Why You SHOULD Take It Personally
Of all that makes up a nonprofit, people have the greatest influence on the organization. So, what can you do to be your best? Take your leadership development personally.
Dear Emerging Leader
Armed with wisdom, two of Mission Capital’s Emerging Leadership Academy graduates answer all your burning questions about the program.
Member Moment: Introducing Affinity Meet-Ups
Mission Capital is convening a series of Affinity Meet-Ups – cohorts of leaders in similar job roles gathering to discuss their most pressing challenges.
Dating and Development Have a lot in Common
From first-date silences, missed social cues, and the work it takes to deepen a new relationship, development and dating share some do's and don'ts.
Thou Shalt Strategic Plan
It's true – we, in the nonprofit sector, have a love/hate relationship with strategic planning, but how can we make the process work for us?
Member Moment: Celebrating Austin’s Nonprofits at SXSW
SXSW programming includes opportunities to showcase and celebrate the impactful work of our nonprofit community.
Make Conflict Your Ally
If there’s no way to truly avoid conflict, then might as well make it your ally.
Mission Capital's Open House
We welcomed community members to meet our new CEO, Madge Vásquez, learn more membership benefits, and connect with other leaders in the nonprofit community.
Are You Ready to Make Money for Your Mission?
With us as your guide, we encourage you to push your organization’s boundaries to discover how you can make money for your mission.
Solving the Foster Care Crisis Starts with You
Foster Community’s Ana Acosta, shares how she became involved in serving children in care and how you can too.
Game of Boards
Serving on a nonprofit board means more than having the resilience of a Stark to accomplish great things.
Member Moment: Keep Texas Beautiful Rebuilds After Harvey
In the wake of Hurricane Harvey’s devastation, nonprofit Keep Texas Beautiful (KTB) took action to rebuild and restore the Texas Gulf Coast.
A Year of Challenging Nonprofit Myths
After a year at Mission Capital, consultant Larry Anazia reflects on his transition to the nonprofit sector and shares lessons learned and nonprofit myths debunked.
Top 3 Things to Track on Your Financial Dashboard
If you want to make your financial reports come alive, especially for people who don’t enjoy numbers, a dashboard should do the trick.
Member Moment: Emancipet Leading Nonprofits Beyond the Grant
Reflecting on Emancipet’s success using alternative fundraising strategies, CEO Amy Mills shares the nonprofit’s journey moving beyond the grant.
Moving Beyond the Grant
If your organization is looking to grow or expand the number of people you serve or deepen your impact, let’s face it, you’ll have to get creative.
Building a Culturally Competent Team
How can we build a culturally competent organization? It all starts with a choice.
Introducing "Foster Community"
A collaborative of Central Texas organizations committed to helping youth in foster care thrive on their journey to a loving home.
Your Brand-New Mission Capital Member Portal
We’re revealing our NEW membership portal designed to make your online membership experience even more valuable!
Let America Be America Again
As our nation struggles to truly be a place where all citizens are valued and respected, each of us must be willing to examine and confront our own biases.