Equity Journey: What MC has To Give
We started our equity journey some years ago. How are we doing now? What are we doing to support it?
Membership 2020: Connection and Support for All
We made changes to our packages for 2020 that will make it easier for all organizations to make the connections and get the support that they need.
Leaning Into our Role: Collaboration and Insights Work
We are navigating the insights we've gathered since COVID-19 hit our nonprofit community and leaning into our connector role to address inequities.
Centering Equity and HR in COVID-19
As we find new ways to interact and care for each other during COVID-19, our Chief of Staff reminds us to keep equity at the center of HR practices.
Capacity Building in COVID-19
As a capacity builder, Mission Capital has spent the last weeks equipping and connecting the Central Texas nonprofit sector to weather COVID-19.
Working on Internal Equity Together
MC members joined us for an evening of internal equity work discussion, which included a panel of their peers and tons of valuable resources.
I-AMM: Building a New American Community
We are spotlighting the great work that MC's member I-AMM is doing to offer a voice and a platform for the Arab, Muslim & Middle Eastern community.
We Are Grateful For 2019
In the spirit of the holiday season, our staff reflects on experiences that make them grateful to be a part of our awesome team.
Our Path Towards Equity
CEO, Madge Vásquez, shares an update of Mission Capital's "bumpy" journey towards equity, where we currently stand, and the road that lies ahead.
Introducing Mission Capital's Equity Advancement Team!
Equity Advancement Team is an internal group that was formed to help us explore definitions of equity as it relates to ourselves and our offerings.
An Exciting Partnership for Board Summit
MC’s Director of Learning & Leadership, Ann Starr, sat down with The New Philanthropist's Co-Founder and Board Leader, Mando Rayo, to find out why diversity in boards is so important.
Having an Existential Moment
Mission Capital has prompted me to explore age-old existential questions, such as: who are we, how did we get here, and what is our reason for being?