Member Spotlight: Little Bit of Good

Little Bit of Good is a four-month capacity building accelerator program and fund, serving Black-led nonprofits in Central Texas.  

Our Mission: To drive equity and systemic transformation in communities of color by strategically resourcing and developing Black nonprofit leaders in the area of capacity building. 

In addition to supporting Black leaders in their development and creating strategies to scale missions; we strive to increase awareness and action around the funding and resource inequities in the nonprofit sector, more specifically experienced within the Black population.  

$20M- The estimated annual funding deficit between white-led and Black-led nonprofits in the US according to a report published by the National Center for Responsive Philanthropy... and the amount of capital we aim to invest and redirect to Black-led nonprofit organizations and leaders. 

Community Impact - Who is served? 

Little Bit of Good serves small-midsized (under $1M annual budget), grassroots, nonprofit organizations. We focus on and center the voices of the Black community and the local leaders that serve them. We aim to provide the training and resources necessary for organizations to scale their missions and impact and creating greater access to funding.  

New Profit reports that organizations led by Black and Latino/a/x leaders receive only an estimated 4% of total grants and contributions in the sector today while Black-led, early-stage nonprofits have 76% less unrestricted net assets on average compared to white-led nonprofits according to a report by the National Center for Responsive Philanthropy. Nonprofit organizations have a pulse on the community that gives us visibility into what changes need to be implemented locally to create sustainable and systemic change in our communities.  

Black-led organizations, specifically, invest in missions that fill the gaps where government resources and programs fall short for communities of color but are historically underfunded and under resourced. We are creating our own collective ecosystem to fill the $20M unrestricted funding deficit in giving to Black led organizations. 

Amplify Impact: How Mission Capital Supports this Organization? 

Having attended (and loved) training through Mission Capital, Little Bit of Good has received support and valuable information from the courses: Data You Can Use, Board Essentials, and, currently, Strategy and Sustainability Intensive. Courses are useful, and I always walk away with a new contact or someone to connect with!  

Additionally, the staff is also SO helpful. Truly, all you need to do is ask! They are so full of knowledge and contacts and referrals, and so willing to help or send an intro. It's been great getting to know the team and meeting other org leaders in the area. 

Little Bit of Good is proud to benefit from the Partners in Equity flexible pricing, which seeks to amplify and provide access for equity-centered organizations in Central Texas. Further, Mission Capital regularly champions the Community Navigator Program from the City of Austin, which seeks to provide funding for services to nonprofit organizations. 

Get Involved 

The Good Fund is a collaborative, community-based ecosystem that invests in and supports local leaders, activists and allies to build equity in their communities with their dollars AND their actions. 

We will provide funding to Black-led and Black serving organizations without the complicated application process and other barriers of entry seen in the grant making world. Grants allocated towards capacity building needs include but are not limited to: 

  • Staffing 

  • Training 

  • Systems/Technology  

  • Equipment/Facilities  

We work with our community investors, not only as donors, but as partners in our grant-making decisions, community outreach strategy and as major supporters of our nonprofit community using their skills, personal/professional networks and resources.  

Right now, we are working with the UT CONNECT program to gather research on the non-profit funding landscape in the Austin MSA and will use that data to inform the need and direction of grant funding. 

We invite you to sign up to volunteer 

A special thank you to Monique Parker, Founder and Executive Director, for spending time with us to bring you this spotlight. For more information about A Little Bit of Good, check out their website.   


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