Central Texas Nonprofit Capacity Survey Report 2024: A Journey of Discovery and Collaboration

Attendees to the Community Findings in-person event are chatting in small groups about the data shared.

The Journey & Timeline: From Concept to Completion 

In late 2022, as we navigated a transition period in our CEO role, a fresh initiative came to life at Mission Capital driven by our Board of Directors — The Central Texas Nonprofit Capacity Survey. By March 2023, our team was hard at work, finalizing a survey that centrally aimed to understand the challenges and opportunities within the Central Texas nonprofit community. By August, the survey was launched, and we were excited to receive responses from 216 engaged community members.

Collaborating with Capacity Catalyst: Sensemaking and Emerging Themes

As we sifted through the surmounting data and began initial analysis, we recognized the importance of centering community voice in the analysis of this data. We collaborated with Capacity Catalyst, a nonprofit organization committed “to improve data use in the social sector by connecting capacity with need for a thriving, equitable social data ecosystem”.

Capacity Catalyst partnered with us to facilitate Community Sensemaking Sessions leveraged on a robust 'most significant change' methodology. With the support of 50 community members, we reviewed the survey responses and weaved together the collective themes and narratives that surfaced.

We identified that the most significant pain point present in the responses was growth management. With four key themes emerging that overlapped with one another and the overarching challenge:

  1. Funding: Nonprofits expressed a consistent need for sustainable funding streams to support their expanding initiatives.

  2. People: Building and maintaining a skilled and dedicated workforce was highlighted as critical yet challenging.

  3. Collaboration: Collaboration appeared as another essential area, with organizations striving for more effective partnerships to amplify their impact.

  4. JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion): JEDI principles surfaced as a vital component, emphasizing the importance of creating inclusive and equitable environments within the nonprofit sector.

Discoveries & Insights: Key Findings from the Report

Our deep dive into the quantitative data provided a comprehensive overview of the landscape in which Central Texas nonprofits operate. Here are the key findings that stood out:

1. Growth Trends:

An overwhelming 71% of nonprofits reported that growth is a priority. While only 24% reported that their growth was proportional to the region's.

“As we expand, aligning our growth with strategic goals and community needs becomes increasingly challenging but essential.”

2. Financial Stability:

When asked about financial health, only 34% of respondents indicated that they have a sustainable revenue model. While 70% agree that increased financial resources would allow them to serve more clients, only 59% reported having the internal capacity to raise funds.

“Our survival depends on securing long-term funding that allows us to plan ahead and innovate, rather than just survive.”

3. Workforce Dynamics:

Staff turnover was a notable concern, with 45% of nonprofits reporting high turnover rates. Furthermore, 56% cited difficulties in compensating staff at a competitive level.

“Retention struggles are real; competitive wages are not just a desire, they are a necessity.”

4. Collaborative Efforts:

Within the realm of collaboration, 97% of organizations agree that partnerships advance their work. Interestingly, 38% report a need for connections to potential partners.

“Nonprofits are one sector of the multi-sector approach to solve our biggest community issues. Nonprofit professionals growing as leaders need to experience working with these different sectors (business, higher ed, government), building relationships, and identifying solutions to test and scale.”

5. JEDI Focus:

A promising 67% of nonprofits agree that the demographics of their staff reflect the lived experience of their clients. Meanwhile, 30% report needing to foster a culture of belonging and inclusion through equitable policies and practices.

“True inclusivity means embedding diversity into every layer of our organization, from staff to board to the communities we serve.”

These insights not only echo the themes identified in our Community Sensemaking Sessions but also provide a data-driven foundation for actionable strategies moving forward. By understanding these metrics, we can better support our nonprofit community in addressing their challenges and maximizing their impact.

The Unveiling: Report Launch & Community Feedback

We recently unveiled our report through virtual and in-person events. Community members, many of whom had attended our Community Sensemaking Sessions, were there to hear the results and delve deeper into the emerging themes through small group discussions. Their invaluable feedback during these events enriched our report outcomes.

Here are some highlights from those discussions:

  • In terms of Collaboration, the group noted a common fear of letting go of existing systems and a challenge in sustaining collaboration. However, they emphasized the importance of recognizing and celebrating small wins, building pathways for long-term relationships, and fostering safe spaces for open dialogue. These insights are vital as our sector continues to explore new partnerships and navigates differences in priorities and needs when we collaborate. 

  • In our Funding discussions, the community acknowledged that the path towards sustainable and diverse funding is complex, often fraught with mission creep and funders’ shifting focus. To navigate these challenges, community members suggest an increased importance on education around grand writing, engaging board members effectively, and building trust with funders.  

  • The Growth Management group highlighted the daunting task of meeting increasing service demands in a feasible way. They anticipate that successfully managing growth will require a comprehensive approach, including addressing systemic issues like funding and collaboration, while simultaneously focusing on the sustainability of services. 

  • The People conversation centered on critical focus areas like employee well-being, volunteer engagement, leadership development, and talent retention. The group emphasized that the future of our community lies in advocating for fair compensation, supporting staff growth, and the development of meaningful collaborations to foster leadership. It was proposed that a comprehensive compensation study could provide essential data to help us move forward. 

Next Steps: Inviting You to Engage with Us

We hope that the information presented here is not only insightful but also valuable to your organization and the wider nonprofit community. To take a deeper dive into the report and its findings, we invite you to download the report, watch the recording of our unveiling session, or connect with our team for future collaborations, including our Collaboration Corners. This year, the sessions will focus on a different theme from the survey and subsequent discussions. Together, let's continue working for a thriving Central Texas.


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