COVID-19 Finances: Getting Your Nonprofit Back on its Feet
COVID-19 has made finances difficult for nonprofits. Our friends at Jitasa share effective strategies to get your organization back on its feet.
Dear SVPs... Thank You!
Mission Capital's CEO, Madge Vásquez, recaps the learning opportunities and strategic collaborations that we accomplished thanks to our SVPs.
Make Conflict Your Ally
If there’s no way to truly avoid conflict, then might as well make it your ally.
Member Moment: Keep Texas Beautiful Rebuilds After Harvey
In the wake of Hurricane Harvey’s devastation, nonprofit Keep Texas Beautiful (KTB) took action to rebuild and restore the Texas Gulf Coast.
Introducing "Foster Community"
A collaborative of Central Texas organizations committed to helping youth in foster care thrive on their journey to a loving home.
Your Brand-New Mission Capital Member Portal
We’re revealing our NEW membership portal designed to make your online membership experience even more valuable!
The Danger of Dismissing Ideas Too Quickly
People are quick to perceive danger in new ideas, but there is also danger in not exploring new concepts.
The Power of Awareness
As leaders, we need to be sharply awake, disturbing our own “inner serenity” to be aware of the opportunities surrounding us.
Building Trust (Without the Trust Falls)
Trust is essential to a healthy and positive relationship, but fostering trust within your organization is no easy task.
Resilient Leadership When Change is Hard
During times of transformation, every single member of a nonprofit staff needs to be resilient.